We took a deep dive into another of Natalia's works, 'On the Edge.' Read the article on VERO Featured (for mobile and iPad).
A post reviewing my work can be found at the link below.
Oil on canvas.
Oil on canvas.
VERO editor Jonathon Mckechnie shared my work on social media and brought my art to the attention of users around the world.
My profile was in the "Community Culture" section for about two weeks, which allowed users to get to know my art much faster. Below you can see a newsletter about my work "On the Edge" and information about me posted.
This is very valuable for me as an artist, because social networks like VERO give the opportunity to be heard. Join the VERO community in app (@vero) and in Instagram (@vero.community)
I would like to especially thank the VERO editor Jonathon Mckechnie @jon for his attention to my work.