
Series of artworks "THE SOUL OF NATURE"

This is a series of works about Nature. What if such a huge powerful force gets a face?
In my conceptual works "The soul of Nature" it appears in the form of an unreal woman, it is like energy that communicates with people and tells its stories, talks about her feelings.
In each story there is a Main work of a large format, which is sometimes accompanied by several works of a smaller format, more abstract, with the same message.


About this work

This work, my main work, with which my reflection on the Soul of nature began. All living things have a soul. Does the energy that gives us all life have it? What if it were material? I embodied the idea in this work.

The Soul of Nature in the image of a woman, as a particle of this life-giving energy, fragile, but at the same time strong. She gives life to all living things. You can see the tree flourishing from her. She is calm, sleeping, and dreaming.
I used newspapers to enhance the effect. Newspapers are used by me as a symbol of man-made garbage. Nature lies on the rubbish in which we ourselves plunged it, but nevertheless, even though it, it gives prosperity to lush vegetation. What do you feel when you look at her? 


About this work

Everything around us is energy, it is both knowledge and centuries-old wisdom. Everything is made of energy. And what could be wiser than nature itself, all life on earth? Nature is represented in my work as a woman with her eyes closed. She never cut off contact with us. Strong and prosperous everywhere, she looks at us with the eyes of a wise bird at this work.

Eared owl. Why is she? From ancient times, this bird carried a double meaning: it is both a harbinger of otherworldly forces and a symbol of wisdom. Through her eyes in the present, centuries-old wisdom keeps in touch with us through the ages, maintains knowledge about us. These links will never be broken.


About this work

Man has hunted deer for centuries. His image is forever preserved in fairy tales and legends. After all, it is not for nothing that people call this animal Noble, i.e. exceptional in quality and elegance.
According to an ancient belief, a deer is able to drive away and put a snake to flight with its smell alone. And this quality was the basis for considering the deer as an emblem of the fight against evil, the emblem of a noble warrior, strong not so much in physical strength as in ideological conviction, fortitude, and moral qualities.

Just look at his image, how much courage, pride, and inflexibility this animal has! It's exactly like that in the picture! It combines up to 28 subspecies of representatives of their own kind. But that's not all. The red deer is included by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in the List of the most dangerous invasive species (brought into a particular area by the man himself and spread naturally). This suggests that red deer can also crowd out other species of animals and plants, reducing their populations to near extinction. He is both beautiful and terrible. The main message of the work is "how much a person can change with his own hands." In the picture you see plants, shrubs, birds and even insects as a symbol of the relationship between species: remove one link and the destruction of the third will begin ..Intervening in the world of fauna, we also influence the flora. The relationship of all life on earth must be in balance. All in our hands. It remains only to remember this.



This story is about the ocean. An unstoppable element, inside which lies the whole world, life, and great power. What if the ocean-woman?... Giver and taker of life? Strong, with a penetrating gaze that pierces you through and through ..? The painting depicts ships and yachts to show how we can be negligible and defenseless against the elements. After all, there is an energy that is wiser and stronger than us..


The sea is of great importance and can be compared with an element with the unprecedented power of destruction and creation. It holds both dangers and amazing discoveries. A whole world inside. But a person can only adapt to it by choosing a stronger boat or the sea will swallow him up.



This is the main picture of the series. It depicts the soul of nature in the form of a woman. She leaned against a tree, almost withered, losing its leaves. She stands on the border of the forest between living trees and dead ones.

The idea to paint a series of paintings about withered trees came to me when I saw such trees on a lake in Siberia. The lake, most likely, did not have a name. It was small and located near the road in the Kemerovo region, where I come from. Every time I passed by, I looked at a dozen trees in the water and thought that there is some kind of charm in the gradual withering of nature and there is beauty of its own. Everything is cyclical in our life. The birth of life and its decay. There was life in this lake, fishermen constantly fished there. Everything was visible from the road. But a few years later, a processing plant was built across the road, where coal was brought from coal mines. After all, Kuzbass is the coal region of Russia. The coal is refined in this factory, the water comes from this lake, and I think it drains back. But after any processing, water will no longer have the same chemical and molecular composition as before.

The more a person "expands the area of ​​his possessions," the more he invades the wild, natural world. This inevitably leads to change. How far will we allow ourselves to go? Where is the line?


The paintings from this series depict trees that have dried up due to natural causes. With color, I wanted to show a bit of this fading beauty, not on a destructive industrial scale. You won’t see darkened water and oil stains on the water, dead fish, and bulldozer-plowed terrain. I prefer to concentrate on the good and catch pieces of beauty, even if sometimes they cause sadness! Remember them like this. And love nature, because it is beautiful!


This picture is from a series of my works calling for the preservation of nature and ecology.
The canvas depicts the interaction of man and urban birds in the modern world. People have their own lives - sparrows have their own. We live side by side with these wild birds both in the city and in nature. But very often they quickly, almost instantly, pick up bread crumbs, chips and other food leftovers for us, because this is the most easily accessible food for them. But this very often harms the birds, not us. Due to indigestible foods that are alien to birds, their life cycle is shortened, diseases arise .. Birds eat plastic particles and die from them. And as a consequence, the reduction of their population and the deterioration of their gene pool. Like circles on the water, it will affect a person later.
The painting "After the Picnic" depicts a scene of a collision of two worlds: the bird world and the human world, shown at a table in the forest. Plastic dishes and wrappers will be blown away by the wind and scattered through the forest. The picture stopped the moment when you can still replay everything.

The whole scene that I wanted to show consists of two canvases. They can hang side by side or separately.
Used linen canvas on a stretcher.