The works are made by me in the author's technique Ebru. I always wanted to see texture and blur in the work. What oil did not give me, acrylic gave me! Let's talk about abstract landscapes? This is love. Let your imagination play and immerse yourself in emotions.
The quadriptych "Azure sea" will take you to azure and clear waters. A gift of nature to a humanity. Look and enjoy.
The size of each part of the quadriptych - 11.8in х 11.8in
The work is currently available for purchase in New York at the Artseeker Gallery.
Cool Abstractions
Two abstracts measuring 15.7in x 15.7in each. Can be used together or separately.
Mesmerizing and eye-catching!
Paradise Island or Abstract Landscape
Watercolor blur and texture are the main distinguishing features of my acrylic works.
Be sure they will attract the attention of you, your loved ones and guests.
Always in touch with you
If you want to order acrylic artwork in this technique according to individual parameters or you have any questions, write to me and we will discuss the details.